Message Queuing triggers allow you to associate the arrival of incoming messages at a destination queue with the functionality of one or more COM components or stand-alone executable programs. These triggers can be used to define business rules that can be invoked when a message arrives at the queue without doing any additional programming. Application developers no longer must write any infrastructure code to provide this kind of message-handling functionality.
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IP Address (clusres.dll): The IP Address resource type is used to manage Internet Protocol (IP) network addresses. When an IP Address resource is included in a group with a Network Name resource, the group can be accessed by network clients as a failover cluster instance (formerly known as a virtual server). IPv6 Address (clusres.dll): The IPv6 Address resource type is used to manage Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) network addresses. When an IPv6 Address resource is included in a group with a Network Name resource, the group can be accessed by network clients as a failover cluster instance (formerly known as a virtual server). IPv6 Tunnel Address (clusres2.dll): The IPv6 Tunnel Address resource type is used to manage Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) network tunnel addresses. When an IPv6 Tunnel Address resource is included in a group with a Network Name resource, the group can be accessed by network clients as a failover cluster instance (formerly known as a virtual server). iSCSI Target Server (wtclusres.dll): Creates a highly available ISCSI Target server for machines to connect to for drives. Microsoft iSNS (isnsclusres.dll): Manages an Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) server. iSNS provides discovery services for Internet Small Computer System Interface (ISCSI) storage area networks. iSNS processes registration requests, deregistration requests, and queries from iSNS clients. We would recommend not using this resource type moving forward as it is being removed from the product. MSMQ (mqclus.dll): Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline. Applications send messages to queues and read messages from queues. MSMQTriggers (mqtgclus.dll): Message Queuing triggers allow you to associate the arrival of incoming messages at a destination queue with the functionality of one or more COM components or stand-alone executable programs. These triggers can be used to define business rules that can be invoked when a message arrives at the queue without doing any additional programming. Application developers no longer must write any infrastructure code to provide this kind of message-handling functionality. Network File System (nfsres.dll): NFS cluster resource has dependency on one Network Name resource and can also depend on one or more disk resources in a resource group. For a give network name resource there can be only one NFS resource in a resource group. The dependent disk resource hosts one or more of NFS shared paths. The shares hosted on a NFS resource are scoped to the dependent network name resources. Shares scoped to one network name are not visible to clients that mount using other network names or node names residing on the same cluster. Network Name (clusres.dll): The Network Name resource type is used to provide an alternate computer name for an entity that exists on a network. When included in a group with an IP Address resource, a Network Name resource provides an identity to the role, allowing the role to be accessed by network clients as a Failover Cluster instance. Distributed Network Name (clusres.dll): A Distributed Network Name is a name in the Cluster that does not use a clustered IP Address. It is a name that is published in DNS using the IP Addresses of all the nodes in the Cluster. Client connectivity to this type name is reliant on DNS round robin. In Azure, this type name can be used in leiu of having the need for an Internal Load Balancer (ILB) address. The predominant usage of a Distributed Network Name is with a Scale-Out File Server (discussed next). In Windows Server 2019, we added the ability for the Cluster Name Object (CNO) to use a DNN. For more information on the CNO usage as a Distinguished Network Name, please refer to the Windows Server 2019 Failover Clustering New Features blog.
The general process works something like this, the client makes the request to the server, since it's RPC it goes to the endpoint mapper (port 135) and we provide the UUID of the MSMQ Remote Read Interface, so we basically say "Hello Endpoint Mapper, i'd like to perform a remote read". The endpoint mapper will look up the interface, ensure that the server supports that interface and if permissions are okay it will say, "okay go ahead, use port 210x" (2103, 2105, 2107, etc). The client then is talking to MSMQ over RPC requesting a message from a queue etc.
Queues can be useful in web applications to do complex logic in a background thread so the request can finish for the user quickly. If someone places an order on your website, that could involve a lot of different things that have to happen. You can do the minimum and return success to your user and kick off the rest of them in a background thread to finish up, without using a full message queuing system and background apps. Most programming languages have ways to do this now. Examples: Resque, Hangfire, etc.
By using a queue between different parts of your software you can decouple the hard dependencies. The format of the message in the queue becomes your data contract and anything that knows how to read that message format can be used to process the transaction. This could be useful for parts of your code that are even written in different programming languages.
Queues offer First In, First Out(FIFO) message delivery to one or more competing consumers. That is, receivers typically receive and process messages in the order in which they were added to the queue, and only one message consumer receives and processes each message.
KubeMQ is a Kubernetes message queue broker, enterprise-grade, scalable, highly available and more secure. Helping enterprises to build stable microservices solutions that can be easily scaled as well as enabling additional microservices to be quickly developed and added to the solution.
KubeMQ is a real-time, scalable message broker, designed to support high volume messaging with low latency and efficient memory usage. KubeMQ supports multiple messaging patterns including real-time pub/sub, request/reply, and persistent queue, by using Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS). 2ff7e9595c