Business impact and value of implementing project performance measuresThe different project management measures impact the business and bring a particularvalue to implementing performance measures. Examples of the project measures are directimpact, bottom-line impact, time and budget, and stakeholders' support and engagement. Theimpact of project performance and value includes helping the business attain the desiredgoals after completing the project. Performance measures provide information to projectmanagers, which allows the managers to exert control over the project. Value measureprovides information on the organization's performance instead of the performance project.Other impacts of project performance measures include better communication between theteam members, increased productivity, and increased efficiencies. As a result of theperformance measures, the project is completed on time and within the stipulated budget.Stakeholders provide more support and engagement after the project progress has beenmeasured.Importance of project improvement initiatives meeting organizational objectivesThe benefits accrued from project improvement initiatives include identifying andbreaking down the scope of work into easily manageable elements. Another benefit assists inidentifying risks and the response strategies identified. The earned value methodology is alsoused in monitoring and reporting progress. Another benefit is that action implementation istraced through scheduled activities. Besides, schedules and resources are established, whichallow monitoring and control.Methods of performance measurement for health informatics projectHealthcare performance measurement refers to aggregated, quantified, and analyzed datarelated to a health informatics project. Performance measures serve to identify opportunitiesthat will reduce cost, improve the quality of care and increase the efficiency of care delivered.The performance measurement methods are categorized into care outcomes, disparities in
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